About Vike

Your Web 3.0 for the Future!

Vike.Com established in 1997 started out developing Web 1.0 application.  Web 1.0 consisted of websites with simple text and graphics.  We still serve multiple clients who we started working with back in 1997.  Then right about 2005 or so Web 2.0 started to surface which included Web applications such Facebook, Youtube and Amazon just to name a few.  Ecommerce and content creation help take the Internet from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 allowing for much more interaction.  Now fast foward to 2024 we are now developing for Web 3.0!!  Web 2.0 mainly consists of Blockchain technology with products such as Bitcoin and Asset Tokenization.  Asset Tokenization for example will become a 16 Trillion Dollar Industry by 2030 according to some experts.  We can help you get there.